Research & Writing
Beyond Property or Beyond Piketty? (2021)
British Journal of Sociology, Volume 72, Issue 1 pp. 8-25.
$1.90 a day: What does it say? (2016)
with Rahul Lahoti, The New Left Review, Volume 97.
Threat Effects and Trade: Wage Discipline through Product Market Competition (2013)
with Arindrajit Dube, Journal of Globalization and Development, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 213–252
Inequality Between Groups: Theory and Empirics (2011)
with Arjun Jayadev, World Development, Volume 39, Issue 2, pp. 159-173.
Estimating Poverty and Inequality from Grouped Data: How well do Parametric Methods Perform? (2009)
with Camelia Minoiu, Journal of Income Distribution, Volume 18, Issue 2.
Book Chapters
The Wages of Justification (2024)
English translation of “Der Lohn der Rechtfertigung” in Die Macht der Rechtfertigung: Perspektiven einer kritischen Theorie der Gerechtigkeit, eds. Mahmoud Bassiouni, Eva Buddeberg, Mattias Iser, Anja Karnein und Martin Saar. Suhrkamp.
Inequalities and Identities (2019)
with Arjun Jayadev, in Deprivation, Inequality and Polarization, ed. Indraneel Dasgupta and Manipushpak Mitra, Singapore: Springer, pp. 109-145.
Globalization, Labor Markets and Social Outcomes in Developing Countries (2005)
in Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction , ed. Marco Vivarelli and Eddy Lee, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 309-326.
Comment on “Trade Liberalization, FDI and Income Inequality”; by Professor Giovanni Andrea Cornia (2005)
in Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction, ed. Marco Vivarelli and Eddy Lee, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 208-210.
A Rising Tide of Demands: India’s Public Institutions and the Democratic Revolution (2005)
in Public Institutions in India: Performance and Design, ed. Devesh Kapur and Pratap Bhanu Mehta. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, pp. 457-475.
The Impact of Adjustment Related Social Funds on Income Distribution and Poverty (2004)
with Giovanni Andrea Corniain, Inequality, Growth and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization, ed. G.A. Cornia , Oxford University Press, pp. 271-294.
Op-Eds, Letters, Interviews, etc
Trumpism Has Dealt a Mortal Blow to Orthodox Economics and ‘Social Science’ (2016)
Blog post, November 23.
Economics Beyond the Economists (2013)
Economic and Political Weekly, August 17.
Bias for Workers Would Foster Asia Trade (2012)
Financial Times, May 14.
Bankers Pay: What Economics Has to Say (2010)
Triple Crisis, July 19.
Economics and Inequality: Blindness and Insight (2004)
IAFFE (International Association for Feminist Economics), News Briefs, September.
Unpublished Papers
Who Got What, Then and Now? A Fifty Year Overview from the Global Consumption and Income Project (2015)
with Rahul Lahoti and Arjun Jayadev, Working Paper.
The Middle Muddle: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Global Middle Class (2015)
with Rahul Lahoti and Arjun Jayadev, Working Paper.
Bargaining and Distribution: Essays on International Integration and National Regulation (2000)
PhD Thesis, Harvard University, August.