Research & Writing
Economics: History and Method
Appendix: Why Profit Rates ‘Must’ be Uniform in Sraffa’s System (2022)
with Ajit Sinha, History of Economic Ideas, Volume XXX, Issue 3: pp. 126-131 .
What is an Explanation? Statistical Physics and Economics (2020)
European Physics Journal Special Topics, Volume 229, pp. 1645–1659.
The Nobel Prize in Economics: Behind the Aura (2018)
Development and Change, October.
Randomise This!: On Poor Economics (2012)
Review of Agrarian Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2, July-December.
Public Policy Analysis Today and Tomorrow (2012)
Jindal Journal of Public Policy, Volume 1, Issue 1.
Economics and Human Rights: A Non- Conversation (2011)
Journal of Human Development, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 63-72.
Learning to Learn: Undoing the Gordian Knot of Development Today (2007)
with Charles Sabel, Challenge, Volume 50, Issue 5, pp. 73-92.
The Role of Apparent Constraints in Normative Reasoning: A Methodological Statement and Application to Global Justice (2005)
The Journal of Ethics, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 119-125.
Beyond the State vs. the Market (1997)
Development, September.
Claims to Expert Knowledge and the Subversion of Democracy: The Triumph of Risk over Uncertainty (1996)
Economy and Society, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp. 222-254.
Book Chapters
Entitlements and Capabilities (2021)
with Adel Daoud, in The Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach, ed. Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, Mozaffar Qizilbash, and Siddiqur Osmani. Cambridge University Press.
The Roots of the Crisis (2012)
in The Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis, ed. Roger Berkowitz, Fordham University Press.
Op-Eds, Letters, Interviews, etc
Interview: In Honor of Duncan Foley and Anwar Shaikh (2023)
The New School Economic Review: Volume 12, pp. 5–8.
Coronavirus and the Limits of Economics (2020)
Foreign Policy, March 31.
How Epidemiological Models Fooled Us Into Trusting Bad Assumptions (2020)
Barron’s, April 29.
Economics’ Biggest Success Story Is a Cautionary Tale (2019)
Foreign Policy, October 22.
Economics and Inequality: Blindness and Insight (2004)
IAFFE (International Association for Feminist Economics), News Briefs, September.