
Appearance in class on Socialism: Past and Present with Andrew Arato

New School for Social Research, New York, May 2020. (Having not met either of them, I am afraid that it has always been too easy for me to confuse Raj Krishna and Krishna Raj! Apologies to both!)


Covid-19: Dynamics of the Global Crisis

New School for Social Research, New York, April 2020


Inequality: Structures and Persons (followed by Q&A session here)

Yale University’s Annual Conference Program on Global Justice, New Haven, November 2019.


The New School Economics Department Seminar Series: The Political Economy of Trumpism (Find Presentation Slides here)

The New School for Social Research, New York, October 2019.


The Predicament of Economics (and the Social Sciences more Generally)

Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, July 2019.


The UN Development System: Reflections on its Reform

UNU-WIDER Seminar Series, June 2019.


Response to Prof. Dani Rodrik’s International Business Law lecture at Brooklyn Law School (response starts at 1:00:05)

Brooklyn Law School, New York, NY, March 2019


Smackdown Debate: How Credible Are the World Bank’s Global Poverty Estimates? How Can They Be Improved?

The World Bank Headquarters, Washington D.C, March 2019


Talk on Unending Debates in Economics UCLA meeting of ysi_commons (From a series of conversations on Blindspots in Economics at that conference – appearing on the web belatedly)

Young Scholars Initiative, February 2019