Audio & Video
COVID-19 Vaccine Nationalism: Unethical or Unjust?
The Graduate Institute Geneva, January 2021
Appearance in panel “The Indian Economy at the Crossroads: Towards Reform or Further Stagnation?”
Canadian International Council, December 2020
Appearance in the panel “The Covid crisis: The need for an economic cost benefit analysis” (There are some points I would have made differently. But it WAS five in the morning!)
Center for the Study of Financial Innovation, December 2020
Public Square Interview
Interview with New School AAUP member Prof. Alex Aleinikoff on University Finances. November 9, 2020.
Event Brief: Indian Economy at the Crossroads webinar
Canadian International Council, November 2020
The Political Economy of the Neoliberal University
Seminar Presentation, Economics Department, New School For Social Research. October 13, 2020.
“An Inclusive, Global Strategy to #LeaveNoOneBehind during and after COVID-19”
Club de Madrid, July 2020, Appearance from 42:21 to 48:57 , from 1:00:00 to 1:03:43, from 1:14:04 to 1:16:51, and from 1:23:15 to 1:25:41.