Research & Writing
From Principles to Practice: A Method for Identifying Income Sufficiency When Applying International Legal Standards (2018)
Prepared for the International Labour Organization Social Protection Department.
The Role of BRICS in the World Economy and International Development (2017)
Prepared for the New Development Bank, September.
Strategies for Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (2016)
Background Paper for UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, February.
Introduction: Towards the Arab Renaissance (2011)
UNDP Arab Development Challenges Background Paper.
Institutions for Innovation: Reflections on an Agenda for Long-Term Development (in Portuguese) (2009)
Report of Conference Remarks. Presidency of The Republic of Brazil. Secretary of Strategic Affairs. Brasilia.
Pro-Poor Macroeconomic Policy: Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Region (2008)
Prepared for UNDP Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific.
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: What’s Wrong with Existing Analytical Models? (2006)
with Antoine Heuty, UN-DESA Working Paper No. 30, September.
The Role and Reform of the State (1998)
with Anthony Pereira, Discussion Paper of the Office of Development Studies, United Nations Development Programme.
Social Funds in Developing Countries: Recent Experiences and Lessons (1998)
Unicef Staff Working Paper.
Toward Adjustment for Development: Sustainable and People-Centred (1997)
Prepared for the United Nations Development Programme.
User Financing of Basic Social Services: Theory and Experiences, with Jan Vandemoortele (1996)
Unicef Staff Working Paper.
Social Safety Nets in Latin America and East Asia: A Comparative Study (1994)
Prepared for the World Bank.