Research & Writing
Social Protection
Threat Effects and Trade: Wage Discipline through Product Market Competition (2013)
with Arindrajit Dube, Journal of Globalization and Development, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 213–252
International Debt: The Constructive Implications of Some Moral Mathematics (2007)
Ethics and International Affairs, Volume 21, pp. 81-98.
International Trade and Labor Standards: A Proposal for Linkage (2007)
with Christian Barry, Cornell International Law Journal, Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 545-639.
Death in China: Life Expectancy and Economic Reforms (2007)
New Left Review, Volume 45, pp. 49-65.
Peer and Partner Review: A Practical Approach to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (2005)
with Antoine Heuty, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 399-420.
Developing Just Monetary Arrangements (2003)
Ethics and International Affairs, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 81-93.
Beyond the State vs. the Market (1997)
Development, September.
An Independent Press Working Against Famine: The Nigerian Experience (1988)
Journal of Modern African Studies, Issue 2.
Book Chapters
Entitlements and Capabilities (2021)
with Adel Daoud, in The Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach, ed. Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, Mozaffar Qizilbash, and Siddiqur Osmani. Cambridge University Press.
International Trade as a Means to Diverse Ends: Development, Workers, the Environment, and Global Public Goods (2015)
in Trade in the Service of Sustainable Development, ed. by Olivier De Schutter.
Safety Nets for the Poor: A Missing International Dimension? (2006)
in Pro-Poor Macroeconomics: Potential and Limitations, ed. G.A. Cornia, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 144-165.
Globalization, Labor Markets and Social Outcomes in Developing Countries (2005)
in Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction , ed. Marco Vivarelli and Eddy Lee, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 309-326.
Comment on “Trade Liberalization, FDI and Income Inequality”; by Professor Giovanni Andrea Cornia (2005)
in Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction, ed. Marco Vivarelli and Eddy Lee, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 208-210.
A Rising Tide of Demands: India’s Public Institutions and the Democratic Revolution (2005)
in Public Institutions in India: Performance and Design, ed. Devesh Kapur and Pratap Bhanu Mehta. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, pp. 457-475.
The Impact of Adjustment Related Social Funds on Income Distribution and Poverty (2004)
with Giovanni Andrea Corniain, Inequality, Growth and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization, ed. G.A. Cornia , Oxford University Press, pp. 271-294.
Strategies of Social Provision: Key Design Issues (2001)
in Social Provision in Low-Income Countries ed. G. Mwabu, C. Ugaz and G. White, Oxford University Press, pp. 101-122.
Financing Basic Social Services (2001)
with J. Harrington and C. Porter, in Choices for the Poor: Lessons from National Poverty Strategies, ed. A. Grinspun, New York: UNDP, pp. 173-202.
Op-Eds, Letters, Interviews, etc
Warning Signs from Africa? (2018)
The New Internationalist, July 1.
Labour Accounts for a Small Proportion of Overall Unit Cost (2013)
Financial Times, July 22.
Underwriting the Poor (2012)
with Olivier De Schutter, Project Syndicate, June 6.
Bankers Pay: What Economics Has to Say (2010)
Triple Crisis, July 19.
Alternative Ways to Link Trade with Labour Standards (2007)
with Christian Barry, Financial Times, June 2.
False Dilemma of the Sweatshop (2006)
with Christian Barry, Financial Times, July 24.
Promoting Poor Countries; Interests in the International Trading System: A Proposal (2005)
with Christian Barry, Economic Times (India), December 8.
From Principles to Practice: A Method for Identifying Income Sufficiency When Applying International Legal Standards (2018)
Prepared for the International Labour Organization Social Protection Department.
Pro-Poor Macroeconomic Policy: Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Region (2008)
Prepared for UNDP Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific.
The Role and Reform of the State (1998)
with Anthony Pereira, Discussion Paper of the Office of Development Studies, United Nations Development Programme.
Social Funds in Developing Countries: Recent Experiences and Lessons (1998)
Unicef Staff Working Paper.
User Financing of Basic Social Services: Theory and Experiences, with Jan Vandemoortele (1996)
Unicef Staff Working Paper.
Social Safety Nets in Latin America and East Asia: A Comparative Study (1994)
Prepared for the World Bank.