Research & Writing
Debt & Public Finance
Book Chapters
The Fiscal Space Conjecture: Theoretical Reflection (2009)
in Fiscal Space: Policy Options for Financing Human Development, ed. Roy Rathin and Antoine Heuty, Earthscan Press in Association with UNDP and Revenue Watch.
A Rising Tide of Demands: India’s Public Institutions and the Democratic Revolution (2005)
in Public Institutions in India: Performance and Design, ed. Devesh Kapur and Pratap Bhanu Mehta. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, pp. 457-475.
Financing Basic Social Services (2001)
with J. Harrington and C. Porter, in Choices for the Poor: Lessons from National Poverty Strategies, ed. A. Grinspun, New York: UNDP, pp. 173-202.
Op-Eds, Letters, Interviews, etc
Does Modi govt deserve credit for tax effort? It’s really nothing to crow about (2024)
The Print. February 4.
Developing countries need a new economic model for global aid (2023)
Financial Times, January 11.
Warning Signs from Africa? (2018)
The New Internationalist, July 1.
Hamlet without the Prince: Politics and the Eurozone (2012)
Economic and Political Weekly, August 4, XLVII(31), p. 9.
Europe Shall not be Crucified on Euro’s Cross (2012)
The Hindu, July 16.
Central Question in Treasury Drama (2011)
Financial Times, August 20.
The Greek Tragedy and the Political Roots of Fiscal Crisis (2010)
Triple Crisis, June 1.