Research & Writing
Poverty: Global Estimates
$1.90 a day: What does it say? (2016)
with Rahul Lahoti, The New Left Review, Volume 97.
The Global Consumption and Income Project (GCIP): An Overview (2016)
with Rahul Lahoti and Arjun Jayadev, Journal of Globalization and Development, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp.61-108.
The World Bank’s New Poverty Estimates: Digging Deeper into a Hole (2008)
Challenge, Volume 51, Issue 6, pp. 105-112.
Chinese Poverty: Assessing the Impact of Alternative Assumptions (2008)
with Camelia Minoiu, Review of Income and Wealth, Series 54, Number 4, pp. 572-596.
Has World Poverty Really Fallen? (2007)
with Camelia Minoiu, Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 53, Issue 3, pp. 484-502.
Unknown: The Extent, Distribution and Trend of Global Income Poverty (2006)
with Thomas Pogge, Economics and Political Weekly, Volume 41, Issue 22, pp. 2241-2247.
Counting the Poor: the Truth about World Poverty Statistics (2006)
Socialist Register, Volume 42, Issue 42, pp. 169-178.
A Capability-Based Approach to Estimating Global Poverty (2004)
Special issue of Poverty in Focus, [NP] UNDP International Poverty Centre, pp. 6-8.
Book Chapters
Global Absolute Poverty: The Beginning of the End? (2021)
in Transitioning to No Poverty, ed. Isabel Günther and Rahul Lahoti, MDPI.
Poverty Beyond Obscurantism (2020)
in Dimensions of Poverty, ed. V. Beck, H. Hahn, and R. Lepenies. Heidelberg/Berlin: Springer.
The Emperor’s New Suit: Global Poverty Estimates Reappraised (2013)
in Poor Poverty: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies, ed. Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury, London: Bloomsbury. pp. 87-110.
How Not to Count the Poor (2010)
with Thomas Pogge, and response by M.Ravallion and counter-response by T. Pogge, in Debates in the Measurement of Poverty, ed. Joseph Stiglitz, Sudhir Anand and Paul Segal, Oxford University Press.
Inter-Country Comparisons of Income Poverty based on a Capability Approach (2008)
with Muhammad Asali and Sujata Visaria, in Arguments for a Better World, festschrift in honor of Amartya Sen, ed. Kaushik Basu and Ravi Kanbur, Oxford University Press.
Op-Eds, Letters, Interviews, etc
UNDP Data on Poverty Show Gains are in Line with Modi’s Slogan, not a Product of it (2018)
The Print, October 26.
The New Global Poverty Estimates: Digging Deeper into a Hole (2008)
UNDP International Poverty Centre, One Pager, Number 65, September.
Are Estimates of Poverty in Latin America Reliable? (2008)
UNDP International Poverty Centre, One Pager, Number 52, May.
Counting the Poor in the Americas (2008)
Americas Quarterly, Spring.
Interview (2007)
in The Present as History: Critical Perspectives on Global Power, ed. Nermeen Shaikh. Columbia University Press.
Difficulty of Making Meaningful Estimates of Poverty (2007)
Financial Times, November 19.
What is Poverty? (2002)
with Howard Nye and Thomas Pogge, New York Review of Books, August 15.
From Principles to Practice: A Method for Identifying Income Sufficiency When Applying International Legal Standards (2018)
Prepared for the International Labour Organization Social Protection Department.
The Role of BRICS in the World Economy and International Development (2017)
Prepared for the New Development Bank, September.
Introduction: Towards the Arab Renaissance (2011)
UNDP Arab Development Challenges Background Paper.
Unpublished Papers
Who Got What, Then and Now? A Fifty Year Overview from the Global Consumption and Income Project (2015)
with Rahul Lahoti and Arjun Jayadev, Working Paper.
The Emperor’s New Suit: Global Poverty Estimates Reappraised (Extended Version) (2009)
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, WP 79, Dec. 2009. Working Paper of SCEPA (New School). Forthcoming in the Economic and Political Weekly.
How Not to Count the Poor, Extended version (2005)
with Thomas Pogge, Working Paper.
The Index Number Problem and Poverty Monitoring: The Unique Advantages of a Capability Approach (2003)
Working Paper.
How Not to Count the Poor! A Reply to Ravallion (2002)
with Thomas Pogge, Working Paper.